Univers Theaters

Aarhus, Denmark
The Univers Multimedia Theatre, a temporary structure first erected in Aarhus, Denmark in 1997, brought architecture, theater and media technologies to the intersection of event-structure and historic presence. The aim of the project was to provide an architecture in keeping with the goals of the
prestigious Aarhus International Theater Festival—one that would anticipate and incorporate multimedia technologies and prompt social exchanges (virtual and actual) in the historic Bispetorv Square at the center of Aarhus.
In addition to implementing structural and mediated technologies, Asymptote created an architecture of hybrid form, unorthodox materiality and efficient structure to address the critical position of a new architecture confronting the contemporary urbanism of European cities today.
Project Information
Date: 1997

Size: 30,000 sq.ft

Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Design Team:

Architect: Asymptote Architecture

Design: Hani Rashid, Lise Anne Couture

Design Team: Ridzwa Fathan, Oliver Neumann, Suzanne Song

Mari Fujita, Stefan Laub, Yorick Ringeisen, Yasmin Nicoucar,

Takeshi Okada, Bettina Zerza

Client: Aarhus Festival


Engineer: Ingenieurburo Teschner, Hamburg

Construction Management: Byggeplan data, Denmark